Net Core Web App

In this tutorial you are going to create an application using core Mvc and Entity Framework Core.

You will follow these steps:
  • Create a project.
  • Import folders and templates from another project previously configured.
  • Create a Category entity.
  • Create a Product entity.
  • Generate the code for these entities.

In this case you don't have to create the folders and templates because you will get them from a preconfigured project.

  1. Register in DynamoCode and Install client application.

    - Click here for more details.

  2. Log In in DynamoCode Web Site.

    - Click here for Log in.

  3. Download the Ecommerce project from the github repository.

    - Download it from this ECommerce link.

    This is an empty project. This project is structured in layers: Domain, Application , Infrastructure, Presentation. You are going to generate the domain entities, repositories, services, controllers and views for this project using DynamoCode.

    Open the the ECommerce.sln solution file with Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. In this tutorial we are using Visual Studio Code and the vscode-solution-explorer extension for navigate into the solution.

    There are five projects into the solution:

    Project Description
    ECommerce.Domain Domain Entities and Interfaces
    ECommerce.Application Services, Dtos and Mappers
    ECommerce.Infrastructure.Data.EntityFramework Data access using Repositories
    ECommerce.Migrations Migrations files for update the database
    ECommerce.Web Web Application
  4. Create a new project named ECommerce.

    - Click the Create New button to create a new project.

  5. Enter the values for the new project.
    Name ECommerce
    Description ECommerce Project
    Package ECommerce
    Import Net Core Web App
  6. Select Admin option for the new ECommerce Project.

    - Click the Admin link for the ECommerce project.

  7. Explore the Admin Folders option and Admin Templates option on the left-hand side menu.

    For this tutorial you don't have to create the folders and templates. They were imported from Net Core Web App project.

    - Go to Admin Folders option on the left-hand side menu.

    There are twenty folders associated to this project. This folder hierarchy is the same that you have in the ECommerce project in your local file system:

    - Go to Admin Templates option on the left-hand side menu.

    There are eighteen templates associated to this project. We are going to use these templates to create the domain class, repository class, dtos, services, controllers, models, migrations and views:

    Name Description File Name Sub Folder
    Domain Class Domain Class Template {{model.Name}}.cs {{model.Package}}
    IRepository IRepository Template I{{model.Name}}Repository.cs
    Repository Repository Template {{model.Name}}Repository.cs
    Controller Controller Template {{model.Name}}Controller.cs
    ListViewModel ListViewModel Template {{model.Name}}ListViewModel.cs {{model.Name}}Models
    EditViewModel EditViewModel Template {{model.Name}}EditViewModel.cs {{model.Name}}Models
    Index View Index View Template Index.cshtml {{model.Name}}
    Create View Create View Template Create.cshtml {{model.Name}}
    Edit View Edit View Template Edit.cshtml {{model.Name}}
    EntityFramework Configuration EntityFramework Configuration {{ model.Name }}Configuration.cs
    Migration Migration Template {{'now' | Date: 'yyyyMMddHmmss'}}_Create{{model.Name}}Table.cs MigrationFiles
    Service Service Template {{model.Name}}Service.cs {{model.Package}}
    Delete View Delete View Template Delete.cshtml {{model.Name}}
    Api Controller Api Controller Template {{model.Name | Pluralized}}Controller.cs
    Mapper Mapper Template {{model.Name}}Mapper.cs
    Dto Class Dto Class Template {{model.Name}}DTO.cs
    Dependency Injection Dependency Injection
    Left Menu Left Menu _AdminMenu.cshtml
  8. Create a new entity named Category.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Create New button to create a new entity.

  9. Enter the values for the new Category entity.
    Name Category
    Description Category entity
    Table Name categories
  10. Add the Id and Name properties to Category entity.

    - Add the Id property.

    Name Id
    Var Type int
    Description Id
    Column Name id
    Db Type int
    Column Type Identity
    Visual Type Hidden
    Options Edit

    - Add the Name property.

    Name Name
    Var Type string
    Description Name
    Column Name name
    Db Type varchar(250)
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Text
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit
  11. Create a new entity named Product.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Create New button to create a new entity.

  12. Enter the values for the new Product entity.
    Name Product
    Description Product Entity
    Table Name products
  13. Add the Id, Name, Description, Price, InStock, ReleaseDate and CategoryId properties to Product entity.

    - Add the Id property.

    Name Id
    Var Type int
    Description Id
    Column Name id
    Db Type int
    Column Type Identity
    Visual Type Hidden
    Options Edit

    - Add the Name property.

    Name Name
    Var Type string
    Description Name
    Column Name name
    Db Type varchar(250)
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Text
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit

    - Add the Description property.

    Name Description
    Var Type string
    Description Description
    Column Name description
    Db Type varchar(max)
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Textarea
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit

    - Add the Price property.

    Name Price
    Var Type decimal
    Description Price
    Column Name price
    Db Type decimal(8,2)
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Text
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit

    - Add the InStock property.

    Name InStock
    Var Type bool
    Description In Stock
    Column Name in_stock
    Db Type bool
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Text
    Options List, Create, Edit

    - Add the ReleaseDate property.

    Name ReleaseDate
    Var Type DateTime
    Description Release Date
    Column Name release_date
    Db Type datetime
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type DateTime
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit

    - Add the CategoryId property.

    Name CategoryId
    Var Type int
    Description Category Id
    Column Name category_id
    Db Type int
    Column Type ForeignKey
    Visual Type Select
    Options Create, Edit
  14. Generate the code for Category entity.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Templates option for the Category entity.

    - Select all templates for the Category entity.

    - Click the Generate Command button to generate a command.

    - This command should be copied and pasted in the client application.

  15. Open the client application

    - Open the ECommerce folder and inside this folder open the command line application (cmd in Windows).

  16. Log in in client application

    - Authenticate the client application by using this command and entering your credentials:

    dynamocode login

    - Don´t close the client application. You are going to use it many times.

  17. Generate the code files for Category entity.

    - Go back to web application and copy the command.

    - Paste the command in the client application and press enter.

    - You will see the code being generated by the client application file by file.

  18. Generate the code for Product entity.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Templates option for the Product entity.

    - Select all templates for the Product entity.

    - Click the Generate Command button to generate a command.

    - This command should be copied and pasted in the client application.

    - Paste the command in the client application and press enter.

    - You will see the code being generated by the client application file by file.

  19. Run the Migration project.

    - Go to Migration project and run it.

    - The tables categories and products will be created in the database.

    - In this example we are using Sqlite database. This database is located in Database folder.

  20. Run the Web Project.

    - Go to ECommerce.Web project and run it.

    - Now you can admin the products and categories entities.
