Java Class

In this tutorial you will learn all you need to know for understanding how DynamoCode works.

You will follow these steps:
  • Create a project
  • Create the folders
  • Create a template
  • Create an entity
  • Generate code for that entity using the template

  1. Register in DynamoCode and Install client application.

    - Click here for more details.

  2. Log In in DynamoCode Web Site.

    - Click here for Log in.

  3. Create a new project named ECommerce

    - Click the Create New button to create a new project.

  4. Enter the values for the new project.
    Name ECommerce
    Description ECommerce Project
    Package ecommerce
    Import No Select
  5. Select Admin option for the new ECommerce Project.

    - Click the Admin link for the ECommerce project.

  6. Add the folders to ECommerce project.

    - Go to Admin Folders option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Add these six folders: src, main, java, com, ecommerce and domain following the hierarchy where src is at the top.

    src -> main
    src -> main -> java
    src -> main -> java -> com
    src -> main -> java -> com -> ecommerce
    src -> main -> java -> com -> ecommerce -> domain
  7. Add the Java Class template to ECommerce project

    - Go to Admin Templates option on the left-hand side menu

    - Click the Create New button to create a new template.

  8. Add the information for the Java Class Template.
    Name Java Class
    File Name {{model.Name}}.java
    Description Java Class Template
    Folder src -> main -> java -> com -> ecommerce -> domain
    Subfolder {{model.Package}}
    Action Create
    Template Text
    package com.ecommerce.domain{%if model.Package <> ''%}.{{model.Package | Downcase }}{%endif%};
    import javax.persistence.*;
    @Table(name = "{{model.TableName}}")
    public class {{ model.Name }} implements Serializable
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    {%- for p in model.Properties -%}
    	@Column(name = "{{p.ColumnName}}")
    	private {{ p.VarType }} {{ p.Name | DowncaseFirst }};
    	{%- if forloop.last == false -%}
    	{%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    {%- for p in model.Properties -%}
    	public {{ p.VarType }} set{{ p.Name }}({{ p.VarType }} {{ p.Name | DowncaseFirst }})
    		this.{{ p.Name | DowncaseFirst }} = {{ p.Name | DowncaseFirst }};
    	public {{ p.VarType }} get{{ p.Name }}()
    		return this.{{ p.Name | DowncaseFirst }};
    	{%- if forloop.last == false -%}
    	{%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
    	public boolean equals(Object o) {
    		if (this == o) {
    			return true;
    		if (!(o instanceof {{model.Name}})) {
    			return false;
    		return id != null && id.equals((({{model.Name}}) o).id);
    	public int hashCode() {
    		return 31;
  9. Create a new entity named Category.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Create New button to create a new entity.

  10. Enter the values for the new Category entity.
    Name Category
    Description Category Entity
    Table Name categories
  11. Add the Id and Name properties to Category entity.

    - Add the Id property.

    Name Id
    Var Type int
    Description Category Id
    Column Name id
    Db Type int
    Column Type Identity
    Visual Type Hidden
    Options Edit

    - Add the Name property.

    Name Name
    Var Type String
    Description Category Name
    Column Name name
    Db Type varchar(250)
    Column Type Column
    Visual Type Text
    Options Required, List, Create, Edit
  12. Test the Java Class Template.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Code option for the Category entity.

    - Click the Send button to generate the code.

    You can see two outputs:
    File Path: Show the path where the file will be generated.
    Code: The generated code is the result of applying the Category entity information into the Java class template.

  13. Generate the code for Category entity in your file system.

    - Go to Admin Entities option on the left-hand side menu.

    - Click the Templates option for the Category entity.

    - Select the Java template for the Category entity.

    - Click the Generate Command button to generate a command.

    - This command should be copied and pasted in the client application.

  14. Open the command line application

    - Create into your file system a folder named ecommerce.

    - Open the ecommerce folder and inside this folder open the command line application (cmd in Windows).

  15. Log in in client application

    - Authenticate the client application by using this command and entering your credentials:

    dynamocode login

    - Don't close the client application. You are going to use it many times.

  16. Generate the code files for Category entity.

    - Go back to web application and copy the command.

    - Paste the command in the client application and press enter.

    - You will see the Category.cs file being generated into the ECommerce.Domain folder.
